Monday, October 26, 2015

Apologies: from an anonymous source

I didn't write this. 
Here is a little something from someone else about many things I agree with. We're all circling this life, but how makes the difference. 


How many times this year have you apologized for something? 

Did you really mean it? 
Perhaps you were saving face. I'm guilty of that. I've made apologies for my actions when I knew exactly what the consequences were. Mostly these actions came at the price of someone's feelings.  It's very rude and self-centered and yet I did it.

They say to err is human nature. That begs the question why do we as humans fuck up so much? I'm not particularly fond of that word in most cases but it serves a purpose here. We, as people, are pretty hard to deal with on occasions. Why? If you find a straightforward answer that doesn't deal with our "nature" I'd love to hear it.

I tend to play most things pretty close to the vest and would be viewed by most as pessimist. I read once that a pessimist is a just a disappointed idealist. I think that sums it up very well. I don't agree with the "world is going to hell in a hand basket" group but I don't disagree with them either. That is a contradiction. Allow me to explain.

We, as humans, have been doing the same things to each other for centuries.  Cheaters, liars, brats, immature adolescents past the age of adolescence have been around long before me and will be here well after I'm gone. Every generation wants to believe they're the ones going to change the world but if we're going off history's standpoint your major accomplishments will be minor considering human err and general debauchery will continue on as always.

Here's what I know. It's tough to love unconditionally when you've been pressed against the wall a few times. Hasn't happened yet? Just wait. Think I'm angry? You're wrong. I just don't see any improvement and I'm not going to push my money all in without having an exit plan. Because as much as the world needs people with great ideas and hope there's people like me hedging our bets and coming out in the black.

Here's where it gets tricky. I don't follow most of my own advice. Funny right? I've been let down a fair bit, especially lately but I'm just a speck of dust when it comes to the big picture. Who am I to complain? No sense in it and truthfully you don't want to hear it and I don't want to hear yours.  There are a few moments in my life that I'll never give up because in between it all it's not so bad and although karma isn't a natural law I believe we all get what's deserved.

Love deeply. Be the change you want see in the world. Be whatever inspirational quote you see on the Internet, just own your mistakes and don't be a liar. Or be a pessimist like me and we can shovel the dirt together just don't be a total downer. We don't need anymore of us around.

Did you get my point? Well you're a step ahead of me. Because I'm not sure what the hell I just wrote.



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