I like to read these list-type blogs so I will try to make one of my own. There are a few things I constantly try to accomplish in my own life. And things I am still pushing to do. These are all common sense pieces of advice, but sometimes, you need to hear it repetitively before you can act on it.
1. Face your fears. If it's heights, climb a mountain. I went to the very top of the Eiffel Tower. I cried, but boy, was it incredible!
2. Look at the world. Look at it's people. Really see it. Just breathe it in. Find the good in it. Even the worst places have something beautiful to offer.
3. Forgive someone. Truly forgive them. your soul will be happier for it.
4. Let go. It's hard. Sometimes brutally hard, but in the end it's best.
5. Forget "if it's meant to be it will find a way." You will spend too much time wondering when that time is going to be. It could be decades. Live in the now. Don't waste you time.
6. Go to a bar or restaurant alone. Talk to strangers or talk to no one.
7. If you live in a big city with a subway take it one day and just pick a stop, get off and explore.
8. Find comfort in being alone rather than feeling pain. Enjoy your own company, and indulge in your thoughts and ideas.
9. Do something nice because it's the right thing to do. Never expect something in return.
10. Kiss a stranger. Hell, go home with a stranger. Who cares? No one, including yourself, will care in a few weeks time.
Any advice here is something I have done myself, and I'm better for it all. Many may seem repetitive from other blogs, but that is because I have read them and applied them myself.
I've more than once said that my blogs are meant to inspire others. I write about a myriad of topics. Sure I give many people motivation for a day, but I want to see my friends, acquaintances, and even strangers be bolder and happier from my words. As a writer, I truly believe in the power of words, no matter how few. I know for a fact two girls who found enough motivation to travel abroad through my blogs and I'm so grateful to have played even a small piece in their decision to explore.
Also, since moving to China, many people have inquired about teaching abroad. Whether they're just thinking or truly considering moving, I don't know, but sparking curiosity is the least I can hope to achieve.
Below I have written 30 things that I feel have led me most in recent months.
1. Face your fears. If it's heights, climb a mountain. I went to the very top of the Eiffel Tower. I cried, but boy, was it incredible!
2. Look at the world. Look at it's people. Really see it. Just breathe it in. Find the good in it. Even the worst places have something beautiful to offer.
3. Forgive someone. Truly forgive them. your soul will be happier for it.
4. Let go. It's hard. Sometimes brutally hard, but in the end it's best.
5. Forget "if it's meant to be it will find a way." You will spend too much time wondering when that time is going to be. It could be decades. Live in the now. Don't waste you time.
6. Go to a bar or restaurant alone. Talk to strangers or talk to no one.
7. If you live in a big city with a subway take it one day and just pick a stop, get off and explore.
8. Find comfort in being alone rather than feeling pain. Enjoy your own company, and indulge in your thoughts and ideas.
9. Do something nice because it's the right thing to do. Never expect something in return.
10. Kiss a stranger. Hell, go home with a stranger. Who cares? No one, including yourself, will care in a few weeks time.
11. Say what you want. Stay true to yourself. Don't be cruel, but don't hide your words.
12. Make promises to yourself. And keep them. It doesn't matter what other people expect from you. What do you expect from yourself? Make a dream and chase the hell out of it!
13. Do something insane whether it's sky diving, taking a drug or simply going streaking. Don't be an idiot, but be ballsy. Have a story to tell.
14. Stop judging others. We're all judging each other, but why? It doesn't matter. People are not weird or strange, they are different!!!
15. Go outside. Whether it is freezing cold or sweltering hot, don't stay cooped up.
16. Remember you are only as broken as you allow yourself to be. Love yourself first and foremost, even if people call you selfish for it. It's your right as a human. This doesn't mean be heartless toward others, though.
17. Cry. It's a healthy release. And it's natural.
18. Travel!!! It will make you wiser, give you stories and make you realize how lucky you are. There is always a place poorer than you, a culture harder to live, a religion forced to practice, or a war fought being fought.
19. Take care of your body. You need it through the journey of life. And it's easier when in top condition. Eat more green and less sugar. Go for a jog or a walk. Drive less. Whatever.
20. Don't take no shit. If you don't like it, leave it. You owe no one. Be it a job, a religion or a lover.
21. Be tough when it matters but soft when it matters more.
22. Give it another try. Grow stronger from your failure, not weaker. Rome wasn't built in a day!
12. Make promises to yourself. And keep them. It doesn't matter what other people expect from you. What do you expect from yourself? Make a dream and chase the hell out of it!
13. Do something insane whether it's sky diving, taking a drug or simply going streaking. Don't be an idiot, but be ballsy. Have a story to tell.
14. Stop judging others. We're all judging each other, but why? It doesn't matter. People are not weird or strange, they are different!!!
15. Go outside. Whether it is freezing cold or sweltering hot, don't stay cooped up.
16. Remember you are only as broken as you allow yourself to be. Love yourself first and foremost, even if people call you selfish for it. It's your right as a human. This doesn't mean be heartless toward others, though.
17. Cry. It's a healthy release. And it's natural.
18. Travel!!! It will make you wiser, give you stories and make you realize how lucky you are. There is always a place poorer than you, a culture harder to live, a religion forced to practice, or a war fought being fought.
19. Take care of your body. You need it through the journey of life. And it's easier when in top condition. Eat more green and less sugar. Go for a jog or a walk. Drive less. Whatever.
20. Don't take no shit. If you don't like it, leave it. You owe no one. Be it a job, a religion or a lover.
21. Be tough when it matters but soft when it matters more.
22. Give it another try. Grow stronger from your failure, not weaker. Rome wasn't built in a day!
23. Let your past make you better and not bitter. Shit happens and that's it. Your demeanor affects those around you more than you ever realize. When one is angry, it spreads. Don't let the disease control you.
24. If you want to do something when no one else is, do it. And when you don't want to do something when everyone else is, don't!
25. Most importantly, stay young. The world is hard and cruel but it doesn't mean we as humans should let it harden us. Find the beauty in everything. Play hide-n-seek, climb a tree, swing off a rope into a creek, buy a coloring book. Whatever you do, remain among the young at heart.
26. Call or email an old friend. It's never too much time gone by to let someone know you care.
27. NEVER forget where you come from. Embrace and explore other places, but be proud of your roots. It is who you are.
28. Smile. Even when you don't want to. You never know whose day you can change.
29. Fall in love with strangers. In life we will encounter many people. Some will stay forever and some are temporary. Be not afraid of loving the temporary ones as equally as the forever ones. Share, explore and embrace in other humans.
30. Make a decision based on feeling. Take a leap. Even if just once, don't over think and weight the odds. Just jump. Life works out in the end.