So quit talking about how badly you wish you could travel or move but "can't" because your jobs tie you down or you can't afford it, or whatever your excuse is...
What you need to travel, chase dreams and be adventurous is quite simple and I am going to tell you how in the next couple of paragraphs.
- AMBITION: This is the most important thing to possess when setting your mind to anything. If you have ambition, you are halfway to where you want to be. Where you get ambition is up to you. It's different for everyone. Personally I find ambition in each new person I meet and each new place I see. I don't even mean new cities, states and countries. Right in my neighborhood, in the grocery store or on the subway.Find your passion, initiative and scratch the itch!
- Step one: Your job. If you hate your job QUIT! No one wants to hear you grip about it anymore than you want to endure another day. People, the jobs are there and you can do anything. Who cares what it is if you are happy. I answer eight, steadily ringing phone lines with crazies on the other end all day and I've never been happier.
- FRUGALITY: This is the money part. I am not necessarily a material girl, but I have a lot of stuff and I am quite fond of it all. But, most of the things I have are crafted from Pinterest for less than $20, hand-me-downs or thrift store and flea market treasures. So, become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Stop chasing the bull shit "American Dream" because quite frankly, Horatio Alger was full of crap. Besides, most of you want the world handed to you on a silver platter and aren't going to work for that multimillion dollar mansion and Ferrari you dream of having anyway. Money honestly doesn't buy happiness. So, take that Michael Kors purse and watch you just received for Christmas and sell that baby on eBay and you already have a down payment for a nice vacation or an entire weekend get away.
- Step two: Here's what I do:
- I don't catch every movie premiere in theaters, or any if I can avoid it. I don't have cable and I haven't purchased a Blu-ray or DVD in probably over a year. I pay for Internet and I watch whatever is on Netflix. I'm not saying I never go to the theater, but make dinner at home and watch an old flick on Netflix. Especially you lovebirds- a night in is often more romantic than sharing your evening with a bunch of strangers and spending $100 before you make it home between dinner, concessions and a movie. Pizza is $20 at most and maybe less than $5 if you love a good frozen Totino's :)
- I pack a lunch for work. I'm not saying I never eat out or buy a coffee, but I definitely don't do so daily. If I eat out or buy a coffee it is a treat to myself or I am usually meeting with a friend to play catch up. If you know me personally, you know how fond I am of a good PB&J. Sometimes, I don't know if I really love PB&Js or if I've just eaten so many it's in my top five favorite foods. Look guys, I eat PB&Js so I can eat gyros in Greece and pasta in Rome, Italy, among other things like live in New York City. You see where I'm going here... Oh, and I still get the "blue box blues." We ate it growing up, why stop now? And don't give me any shit about gluten and GMOs because you don't honestly know what it means.
- Get a credit card. Don't be stupid, but it makes for nice leverage. Invest in one with flyer miles. Eventually your flights pay for themselves. Credit is all the rage, just don't be an ass and put yourself in debt before age 30.
- OPEN MINDEDNESS: This is the most important to me. Leave the comfort of what you know and go somewhere you never imagined you would. I promise it isn't as scary as the movies and TV shows make you believe.
- Step three- It is crucial to have an open-minded curiosity because not only are you going into someone else's life, but you need to be observant, tolerant and prepared for what you may see. People are different, not strange, weird, abnormal or wrong. Admire the architecture, indulge in the food, admire the variety of people and most importantly, if traveling somewhere non-English speaking, be understanding of the language. I'm not suggesting you learn languages before traveling afar, chances are they know English, but don't be frustrated when they do not. You're not in Kansas anymore! Don't become frustrated. They key is laughter. Indulge in feeling out of place and being uncomfortable. Be content with being a tourist and oblivious. You can be carefree and still be careful. Oh, and get lost! Getting lost is half the fun; trust me!
I'll close with my most recent, personal favorite quote: "We travel not to escape life, but for life to not escape us."
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